Caption This...Shootout style

Attention Man Of Tan! fans, The Corrupted have a mission for you, should you choose to accept it. These pictures are in desperate need of captioning. They are classic, in our opinion!



So, get your creative juices flowing and give us your wittiest and funniest captions! =)

Huge thanks to Amber for the idea (and for finding the pictures!)

Now, what are you waiting for?? We're on the edge of our seats here...

--posted by Denise


Regina Ellison said...

Official: "See Chad, Section D of Rule 51-A says it is illegal for a crew chief to have more female fans than Brian France.

Chad: thinking to himself, "Man, I'm in some serious trouble if that's the case.

Denise said...


That's great...thanks! =)

Heather said...
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