Banquet IM

Per tradition, De and Marissa met once again to IM the Nextel Cup Banquet.

It's the only way we can handle the ick that is Jay Mohr and to have someone else to squeal over about hot men in suits. ;-)

This year, we were plagued by internet problems, snow, and the worst travesty known to The Corrupted.

No Chad speech.

Let me say that again...


Obviously, we had some things to say about that...carry on, gentle reader, and enjoy our commentary...

Or skip to the end, when the wailing and gnashing of teeth began. ;-)

Denise: testing, testing. ;) Supposedly there is some "Yellow Carpet" thing on Speed

before the awards banquet. My tv fuide doesn't show it, so I'll let you know if I come

across anything.

[16:27] Denise: LOL tv guide, I mean :))

[16:27] Denise: No wonder my tv "fuide" doesn't show it... 8-}


[18:08] Marissa: Did you see Chad on Speed? That suit was droolworthy.......:D

[18:12] Denise: I just saw!! :) I just came on to tell you it's on. :))

[18:12] Denise: :D He's pretty.


[19:06] Marissa: Testing, two.....

[19:07] Marissa: Don't make me come over there!! ;)

[19:26] Marissa: hellllloooooo?

[19:26] Marissa: *hears an echo*


[20:23] Denise: Man of Stone. No Neck. Those are classic nicknames. ;)

[20:26] Marissa: My tv is in the other room, so I'm commercial break girl. :)

[20:26] Marissa: Chad and Bruna look so shiny! Yay!

[20:26] Marissa: And once again, Jay Mohr is so not funny.

[20:26] Denise: :D HI!!

[20:26] Marissa: Making fun of Chad's suspension? Not funny.

[20:27] Marissa: Making fun of Jimmie's eyebrows?

[20:27] Marissa: Okay, a little funny. ;)

[20:27] Marissa: HI!

[20:27] Denise: :))

[20:27] Denise: Calling Matt the Man of Stone? Pretty damn funny! ;)


[20:28] Marissa: I like Channy's dress, but the jewelry is NOT my style.

[20:29] Denise: Yeah, it was pretty bulky. But she's so darn gorgeous!! ;) :D

[20:29] Marissa: I know....

[20:29] Marissa: She and Jimmie couldn't be cuter.

[20:29] Denise: Chad knew he was wearing Dolce Gabbana (I know I spelled that wrong, but

hell, I don't know fashion) ;)

[20:29] Denise: They are the cutest!

[20:29] Marissa: I missed that!

[20:30] Marissa: Yay Chad! Go fashionista boy!

[20:30] Denise: It was cute. He knew! I was very proud

[20:30] Marissa: I figured Armani for them.....

[20:30] Marissa: Yay!


[20:34] Denise: God, it's awesome to see them all at the head table. It's finally as it

should be ;)

[20:39] Marissa: I know! I keep qheeing! :)

[20:39] Denise: It's a night of QHee! :)

[20:39] Marissa: Woot!


[20:43] Marissa: It is so painful to watch Jay interview the drivers after their

speeches. I cringe every time.

[20:43] Denise: I know. I get kinda ill :))

[20:43] Marissa: LOL

[20:44] Denise: I wish they'd just let them be.

[20:44] Marissa: Me too...

[20:44] Denise: I'm dying to hear Chad's speech :D

[20:44] Marissa: Hope he remembers to thank us and all. ;)

[20:44] Denise: Woo! He better


[20:46] Denise: :)) LMAO! Kyle!

[20:50] Denise: How cute is his girlfriend?

[20:57] Denise: They are hot men. Hot men looking hot! ;)

[21:00] Marissa: Wow. Kyle is NEVER going to live that down. LOL

[21:01] Denise: no kidding!!

[21:01] Marissa: His girlfriend is adorable, though! Way cuter than Eva.....

[21:01] Denise: Yes!

[21:01] Marissa: Mark is so classy. Is there ANYONE who doesn't love him?

[21:01] Denise: I love him...what a sweet man.


[21:04] Denise: Kasey is pretty.

[21:16] Marissa: I love that Kasey's cheeks are just like mine. :D

[21:16] Marissa: He's very pretty. :)

[21:16] Denise: :D

[21:17] Marissa: How can Jeff Burton not know who C3PO is?????

[21:17] Denise: No shit! *sigh* People these days. ;)

[21:17] Marissa: That's almost as embarassing as calling your girlfriend by the

wrong name. ;)


[21:20] Marissa: brb....

[21:21] Denise: I'm moving your TV closer to your computer. ;) :D

[21:34] Marissa: *giggles*

[21:34] Marissa: I would if I could!

[21:34] Marissa: Jeff is such an adorable DORK. LOL

[21:34] Denise: OOH! I'm back...for a little while at least!

[21:34] Marissa: Junior was nice and short and sweet. Lookin' fly in his suit....

[21:34] Denise: Stupid internet

[21:34] Denise: He is :)

[21:34] Marissa: did it crash again? :(

[21:35] Denise: It did. *kicks things*

[21:35] Marissa: UGH!

[21:35] Marissa: Do you need me to come over there and kick it too?

[21:35] Denise: I'll never make it to Chad's speech

[21:35] Marissa: You will! Have faith!

[21:35] Denise: Yes. LFM could teach it a thing or two ;)

[21:35] Marissa: I guess it's time for the "musical interlude" portion of the

evening, right?

[21:35] Marissa: ;)

[21:36] Marissa: Now my compy is being stupid...I'm going to log off and restart,

but I'll be right back, k?

[21:42] Denise: back? Maybe I am...hard to tell

[22:11] Marissa: I hate it when the internet doesn't play nice!

[22:11] Marissa: I'm gonig to go watch Man of Stone, but I'll be back! I promise!


[22:12] Marissa: As long as we are both on for The Big C!

[22:12] Denise: I know! I'm hoping!! :D

[22:12] Denise: 'Cause what if he thanks us? We must Qhee out together! ;) :D


[22:18] Marissa: I'm nervous for the boys now! I hope they don't have many flubs.

[22:18] Marissa: Like "a lot of awful people" ;)

[22:21] Denise: I too! I wonder if they're nervous!

[22:21] Marissa: I bet they are!

[22:21] Denise: I know I would be

[22:21] Marissa: I'm sure Chad will be the best crew chief speaker in a LONG time,

though. They are usually PAINFUL TO WATCH. *shudders*

[22:22] Denise: I know - he's so good at that kind of thing. :D We *heart* him!

[22:22] Marissa: We do!

[22:22] Denise: Does Rick speak first?

[22:22] Marissa: I can't remember...brb...

[22:24] Denise: Pretty boy :)

[22:27] Denise: I'm nervous!

[22:27] Marissa: Me too!!!!

[22:27] Marissa: I hate this waiting!!!

[22:27] Denise: *bites nails*

[22:27] Marissa: *bites nails too*

[22:27] Denise: :D

[22:27] Marissa: At least he's lookin' superfly in his suit!

[22:27] Denise: *crosses fingers for no "awful people" thanking*

[22:28] Denise: Oh hell yes he is! ;) :D

[22:28] Marissa: LOL


[22:28] Denise: Gosh, this internet thing is royally pissing me off. It takes like a

minute for every page to load. It's like being stuck back with dial up. *gasp*

[22:29] Marissa: It's like the stone ages!

[22:29] Marissa: Maybe we broke the internet in our excitement. ;)

[22:29] Denise: It is!

[22:29] Denise: :)) :)) that must be it

[22:29] Marissa: brb

[22:29] Denise: Extra, extra, read all about it. Internet crashes as a result of


[22:30] Denise: ;)

[22:33] Denise: Aww...I'm tearing up.

[22:36] Marissa: Chad looks nervous.

[22:36] Marissa: I'm feeling for him right now.

[22:36] Denise: He does. *deep breath for Chad*

[22:36] Marissa: I like the tie with the suit - no bow ties for The Chad.

[22:36] Denise: Hell no! Ick. ;)

[22:36] Marissa: He did the slow blink thing. I thought of you and giggled. :)

[22:37] Denise: :D

[22:37] Denise: I love how happy he looks with Bruna

[22:37] Marissa: They better get going, actually. This ends at 11pm right?

[22:37] Marissa: I love that too. She's so cute. :)

[22:37] Denise: Jealous, but lovin' it just the same ;)

[22:37] Marissa: Yeah, me too. ;)

[22:37] Denise: Indeed!

[22:37] Denise: I think it goes for 20 more minutes

[22:38] Marissa: Wonder if they have a time limit on speeches, like the Oscars.

[22:38] Denise: I don't know! Like when they start the music and people start rushing

through the end. :))

[22:38] Marissa: Exactly!

[22:38] Marissa: LOL

[22:39] Marissa: Alright, I better go get in position. Get ready for massive


[22:39] Marissa: :D

[22:39] Denise: I'm ready!!

[22:39] Denise: :D QHEE! (Gotta get one out in advance) ;)


[22:43] Denise: :(( No Chad? :((

[22:53] Marissa: Okay. I know I went to pee for like 30 seconds. Did I miss Chad

in that time?

[22:54] Denise: no! He wasn't on!

[22:54] Denise: I'm in shock



[22:54] Denise: I know. I'm staging a revolt. Right this minute.

[22:54] Marissa: I feel like tearing up. We have waited for this day, and speech from The Chad?

[22:54] Marissa: Sign me up!

[22:54] Denise: *organizes the troops*

[22:54] Marissa: Revolt away!

[22:54] Denise: I'm pissed.

[22:55] Marissa: *waves the 'let chad speak' flag*

[22:55] Denise: And I have a bad temper

[22:55] Marissa: I'm superpissed.

[22:55] Marissa: Redhead temper!

[22:55] Marissa: Do you think Chad chickened out?

[22:55] Denise: GRRRR!!!

[22:55] Denise: No way.

[22:55] Marissa: Naaaah.....

[22:55] Marissa: Think they cut him for time? I will be PISSED.

[22:55] Denise: What I'm thinking is this:

[22:55] Marissa: *waits*

[22:56] Denise: Yesterday, they had an awards luncheon and he gave a speech. Maybe they

considered that his Crew Chief speech? DAMMIT!

[22:56] Marissa: I'm trying to console myself with the fact that Chad is THERE for

the first time, but it's not helping.

[22:56] Denise: What about us?!?! *wails*

[22:56] Marissa: No way!

[22:56] Marissa: I saw that on was short!

[22:56] Marissa: That can't be it!

[22:56] Denise: It was a good speech, but it wasn't THIS!!!!

[22:56] Denise: I know!!!

[22:56] Marissa: Get more troops. We're fighting this.

[22:56] Denise: I'm seriously super annoyed.

[22:57] Denise: We love Chad. We need more Chad. We DESERVE more Chad!

[22:58] Marissa: We have waited FIVE YEARS for a Chad speech.

[22:59] Marissa: Don't the crew chiefs ALWAYS speak before the driver?

[22:59] Denise: I am in shock. They do. They ALWAYS do!

[22:59] Marissa: I mean, I had to sit through ROBBIE REISER'S crummy speech that

one year.

[22:59] Marissa: I'm writing a letter.

[22:59] Marissa: Someone is hearing about this!

[22:59] Denise: YES! I know....and the only consoling thing was that I just *knew* Chad

would be up there one of these days

[22:59] Marissa: Me too!

[22:59] Marissa: And able to speak eloquently! And to thank us! ;)

[23:00] Denise: You write the letter. I'll get the troops. The wrath of The Corrupted is


[23:00] Denise: Yes. The thanking us is what's really got me down. LOL ;)

[23:00] Marissa: I gotta get the website up tomorrow. We must began the rally.

[23:00] Marissa: Yeah, me too. ;(

[23:00] Marissa: ;)

[23:00] Denise: You know the Chad lovers are with us on this.

[23:00] Marissa: What a rip. I sat through JAY MOHR and didn't even get a Chad


[23:00] Marissa: Totally. We are not the only ones squawking tonight.

[23:01] Marissa: I even stayed up past my bedtime. WITH A COLD.

[23:01] Denise: I am SO mad. What is the world coming to?????

[23:01] Marissa: See, now I'm just feeling sorry for myself. And you.

[23:01] Marissa: It's Apocalypse Now, dude.

[23:01] Denise: Amber on the JJ board: "I cannot believe they cut Chad out. I hope he at

least got to GIVE his speech and it was just edited out (as horrible as THAT is)...because

he worked so hard on it. That is total BS. Freaking Jewel and Jay Mohr, but no Chad"

[23:02] Denise: See? Let the Revolution begin

[23:04] Denise: I can't believe I sat through that whole thing. And NO Chad.


[23:04] Marissa: I know. I hear you.

[23:04] Denise: And I had all of those internet problems and STILL.NO.Chad.

[23:05] Marissa: I know!!!

[23:05] Denise: Freakin' TV

[23:05] Marissa: I can't believe this.

[23:06] Marissa: I'm going to bed.

[23:06] Marissa: GRRRRR!

[23:07] Marissa: Thanks for spending the evening with me, despite the travesty!

[23:07] Marissa: I love our tradition!

[23:07] Denise: I'll do that. SLeep well and feel better. Yes, aside from the travesty,

it is always a good time!

[23:07] Denise: G'night! >:D<
[23:07] Marissa: Sleep well, and talk to you tomorrow! >:D<

--Posted by Marissa


karen said...

A crime has been commited against the Chad fans! So sad.

Roll The Dice said...

Woot! Karen's here! :-) Hi!

Regina Ellison said...

I can't believe it either. You're right we have been waiting for years for speech time. I agree we shouldn't have had to listen to Jay Mohr and Jewel hogging up the air time.